To:, kc_aining54@hotmail


Subject: Homesick!

I miss home!!

I miss you people a lot!

School is great…. Of course, only if you scratch the weather, the loneliness, the moments of despair, the late night studying, the lack of sleep and the horrible terrible food!

There’s no place like home…

How’s Paapa’s cacophonous guitar playing? Getting any better? Remember when we had to hide that old box??

Good times!!

It’s interesting that so many of the memories we have revolve around Paapa’s annoying music!

Maame’s funny dance too, the jiggling and jumping… Hahahah! It makes me laugh so hard just to remember it. It makes me cry too sometimes…


Paapa, (you already know your music is funny!!) How’s the firm doing?! I hear you’ve been winning some big cases? That means more money right? So you can bring me home every summer πŸ˜€ , anaa? (I can almost see that smirk on your face, and the snorting laugh!)

Eii, Maame, did Aseye finally pay the money? I hear she’s doing very well these days. Aunty Akosua was telling me she’s gotten the Chrysler she was talking about! Hmmm, she better pay your money then, cos I want to come home for Christmas…

I really need to come home soon!

Kwesi was telling me about Annie’s wedding reception! Osibisa and Kojo Antwi nyinaa?!! Eeiiii when shall I?? I can imagine Maame’s jiggling all night long! Hahaha!

Asifua, hurry and let’s plan your wedding ooh?! Karen has waited long! Pop the question and let the girl be free ah! She’ll be 27 soon…. What are you waiting for?? I don’t want nephews and nieces with Down Syndrome just because you’re wasting time ooh… (Plus I need an express reason for Paapa to send me money to come home!)

I went to the Ghanaian market the other day, to get some Banku… I was so excited!! Made my Okro soup and everything… Right in the middle of chowing it down, I started to cry!

I miss maames banku eh!!  When she does that thing to the tilapia head, and it seems to be dripping with kpakpo shito!

Hmmm! Aburokyire abrabo y3 den!!

So Asifua this is how hard it is, and you didn’t add it to the tips you gave me! All you know is ‘y3mp3 broni b33ma biara!’


Wendy, how’s Gey Hey? I know form one is hard, but it gets better ok? I wish I could come for the upcoming speech day…. The way I’d have chilled you eh? But I’m sure Karen will come. Eat all the nkontobeans ooh! Na trust me, you’ll be missing it soon! Paa Kow! (Hahaha! It sounds so funny calling you that!) My Ghanaian friends keep asking me why we call you ‘Simpoa’! How was your birthday? Our skype date is tomorrow ooh! And you need to send me the name and specs of the PS4 game…  And let me know what Paapa says about the thing we talked about πŸ˜‰

I miss you people a lot!! I’m sitting right here waiting for my replies….

As always!



Comments (5)

  1. Elise, been pretty homesick myself the past few days oo. But your piece has cheered me up. Thank uuu! πŸ™‚

  2. This piece is so very “relatable”…….the diction and all. Keep it up! Woay3 ade3. Now you’ve made me miss Ghana kraa.. loool

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