Dear everyone… Happy Easter! (It’s not quite over yet, is it?) I really have no excuses this time – well I do, but I really shouldn’t have been gone this long. I know the usual “I’m sorry for being gone for almost forever” doesn’t quite cut it. Nonetheless, I’m so sorry! I hope you enjoy this! And I can almost promise the next part wont take this long – I’m already working on it!
If you’re new here or you’ve missed any of the previous parts of ‘Perspectives’, find them here: Perspectives I, Perspectives II, Perspectives III.
When Brumah walked into her house, the first thing that struck him was how cosy it felt. It wasn’t one of those mansions that felt too bougie to relax in. it was designed very cosily, and was just…. Homey.
He sat at the dining table in the kitchen, where Nadia was making something. It smelt good… unfamiliar, but good. She said Mackenzie was upstairs and would join them when dinner was ready. He had mixed feelings about meeting the boy. He didn’t know if he would like him. He wanted him to. Badly. And he didn’t even know why. He was good with kids, and had never ever had to think if a child would like him or not. Here he was, hoping the little boy would like him.
There was some music playing from the living room, and Nadia was dressed in home clothes. Baggy trousers and a tank top. He wasn’t sure if she was wearing a bra or not. Why was he even thinking about that? God hold my thoughts please! He didn’t need his thoughts wandering now. They’d agreed to have a simple dinner and nothing more. She was concentrating on the food… whatever it was she was making, and he was trying to concentrate on his glass of fresh juice without staring at her backside. God, I’m having such a hard time here. I’m still so attracted to her. I’m so scared of doing something I’d regret now. I’m so scared. But I want her, God, I love her. I really really do, and you know it. Please do something. Make it work somehow God.
He sighed deeply and caught her staring at him.
“Brumah, everything okay?” She looked worried. She had no idea the flips his heart was doing just because of her concern. He said he was good, and she prepared to go get Mackenzie from upstairs.
Great Masterpiece…keep it up
It is very emotional.She is surely better at her new place.
It is very emotional.She is surely better at her new place.
Great Masterpiece…keep it up
Surely, Jess is in a better place……
Surely, Jess is in a better place……
Hi…. Its me again. I couldnt help but read on the next post especially cos i love babies, and once again you really poked my emotional balloons. lol.. This piece emphasizes how much of a blessing babies are, no matter how young. They leave everyone smiling, they look so innocent, so pure, they remind us that there is hope. I take this opportunity to pray for all mothers who have lost their babies, especially those who died from illness, whiles their mothers watched on helplessly. Ive always said that am gonna become a pediatrician, not because there is money in it( quite frankly there isnt any), but just so i can see those babies smile. That more remuneration than anything you can think of. Thanks a lot for such a wonderful piece.
Keep up the good work
Elise I thank God for your life! God bless you!
I pray for all those who have lost loved ones especially children. God comfort you and rreplace your sorrow with Joy for only He knows best! Amen!
Elise I thank God for your life! God bless you!
I pray for all those who have lost loved ones especially children. God comfort you and rreplace your sorrow with Joy for only He knows best! Amen!
Hi…. Its me again. I couldnt help but read on the next post especially cos i love babies, and once again you really poked my emotional balloons. lol.. This piece emphasizes how much of a blessing babies are, no matter how young. They leave everyone smiling, they look so innocent, so pure, they remind us that there is hope. I take this opportunity to pray for all mothers who have lost their babies, especially those who died from illness, whiles their mothers watched on helplessly. Ive always said that am gonna become a pediatrician, not because there is money in it( quite frankly there isnt any), but just so i can see those babies smile. That more remuneration than anything you can think of. Thanks a lot for such a wonderful piece.
Keep up the good work
Hi Elise, I got your book as a gift from someone very close to you! I must say, you did an insanely good job on this piece! I finished reading the book within a few hours and cannot help but appreciate the depth of your skill and ability to bring your work to life!
I like how you have opened up the modern day Church and how vividly you have highlighted the ills but also made us see how we can benefit from the cloak of “Church”. Just like you said, we hope to find healing to our ailments and not be perturbed by the shenanigans of others.
You, indeed, are an amazing writer!
You put your best foot forward on this book! Can’t wait to read the next!
Oh wow, this is so unexpected! Thank you Dwin, truly grateful for this! And cheers to the next book