Sayo VI

It’s been so long since I was this happy, and I keep thinking that there must be something going to happen – when will the other boot fall? I heard myself laugh the other day – genuine laughter that wasn’t made up, and it startled me.

Sayo V

It was a place where, even at her lowest, she’d been held, loved, and given space to begin to find her way back to herself. Their packed suitcases reminded her of the life still waiting for her, of this beautiful young man who refused to let her go, and of her own strength, which hadn’t left her even when she thought it had.


What was it she was supposed to do again? Breathe. Count. Crouch down, head between knees. She could hear Dr. V’s voice, but it wasn’t registering. Her head was spinning, and she was breathing way faster than she knew she should. She just wanted to get home