My Dear Kwaku Okatakyie…
Happy 21st Birthday! You don’t know how nostalgic this week has been for me… for us. It feels as if it was just yesterday when you were put into my arms… a beautiful 3.9kg bundle of Christmas joy!
I remember seeing tears in your Papa’s eyes… even though he denies it. It’s difficult to remember another Christmas when I was as happy as I was that Christmas.
You came to us at a point in our lives when we needed all the love we could get as a couple. And you brought all that love and so much more!!
Your Papa and I have been pondering for a really long time what to give you today. I know you’ve been hinting about that car since God knows how long…. it’s not going to happen! (But hey, you never know! Keep your fingers crossed, and your prayers fierce!)😉😉
We decided that we’re first of all going to give this letter to you. You’ll find out later what else we got you.
Remember when you were 3, when I’d just had your brother. You were such a curious child! You asked me many interesting questions. One of them stands out really tall, and remains fresh in my memory. You had such a queer facial expression looking at him, and then you asked “Does it mean I’m no longer your baby? Who will be my mummy?” Much as it made me laugh, it put somethings in perspective for me.
You will always be my baby, Kwaku. No matter how old you are, or what stage you are in life. You will always be my baby – our baby!
You’re a special young man, Kwaku. Special in every way. It’s beautiful how you take care of your siblings, especially Kesewaa. I wonder the kind of hot seat many young men will be subjected to when she’s old enough to start dating!
It’s lovely how much you can bring all of them to order, and make things happen. I still have in mind that Easter three years ago, when you brought them all together to fast, pray and then afterwards, organised that Sunday lunch as well! You are very special!
Now I want you to know, no matter how exceptional you are – and you really are, my love, you’re not the gift of God to the women on this earth! You’re a very good looking young man, and you have a heart of gold. You’re from a good home, and you treat people with respect. That does not give you the right to feel as if you’d be a gift to whoever, whenever. You are an amazing gift to us, but you’re going to be a gift to only one woman (besides me of course). And that woman, will also be a gift to you.
I know so many young men like you, who unfortunately parade themselves around, feeling as if they would be doing any woman a favour by being with them. That kind of attitude stems from pride and arrogance. And I did not bring you up to be proud or arrogant.
K, I’ve seen how the girls hover around you. Don’t let it get to your head. And I know that you have a thing for Kukuaa (Don’t ask me how I know – a mother always knows!😌), she’s a lovely young lady, and we like her. But we don’t want you to ever feel pressured to be with someone because we like her… We want you to have a mind of your own, and based on that, decide who you want. I like to believe we’ve brought you up well, and based on the many good decisions you’ve been making, that you’ll do a good job in deciding. But I want to remind you that on top of your list, should be her love for God! She should be an ambitious woman, who will not settle or allow you to settle for anything average! She definitely should be pretty, because we need good looking grandchildren. She should know what she wants and work for it. And she should be caring and lovely. She definitely can’t be perfect; even you my son are not perfect.
I don’t want you to ever look down on any woman. No. matter. what. It has become a subtle culture for men to feel superior. Before, it was overt… now, it’s annoying how it’s almost always there, no matter how low-key it is made to look. I know how well you can cook. I taught you to cook so you do not feel that a woman should be the one to cook for you. If she cannot cook, cook for her. Cooking should not be a deal breaker for you, because you, my son, could pass for a chef! You’re not marrying a woman to be your cook. So when the other boys talk about these things, and I know that they always do…. Keep in mind your Mummy’s words. Cooking should not be a deal breaker!
There are very few things that should be deal breakers. When I met your Papa, it was his calmness and fervent love for God that drew me to him. You already know that he was not my kind of man, but God had such big plans for us, he taught me that a person could become your kind.
This is to say that much as you need to set high standards, do not go crazy in giving God such a long shopping list!
One more thing, K… remember your Eighteenth birthday? (Of course, how can you forget it?) Remember how elaborately we celebrated your entry into adulthood? Remember your thirteenth as well? I’m gonna give you a back story to what was going on in our lives when you were thirteen. First, your Papa was facing a big lawsuit at the hospital. It was quite a difficult situation. It was the kind of thing that could take away his medical license forever. And that would have had such a great impact on us! I had also just had a miscarriage. And then we were having a few issues here and there, as married people tend to have once in a while. But that did not stop us! On your eighteenth birthday, I had a 3 day deadline to present my thesis, and it was really quite a big deal. Your Papa had such a tough time finding a colleague to represent him at the Medical Conference he was supposed to be at. That did not stop us either! I just want to let you know, that life is interesting. It has so many downs, and then it has the ups. But don’t let the downs steal the joy of your ups! Don’t go so crazy about getting something done or planning into the future, that you forget to live in the present! Do you have any idea how many times daddy wishes he had skipped some hospital time to spend with your Grandma before she passed away? Trust me… life is short. And you get to decide what you want to do with it. You also get to decide who you spend it with. So in all your getting in life, don’t forget the ones who love you, and the ones you love. Never let your work or your education or anything else get in the way of love. Make the people you love your priority – never ever make things get in the way of that. Because that can be disastrous! (If you don’t believe me, ask your dad about that one time he forgot my birthday!!)
Once again, there’s this thing that you’ll learn as you grow up. With time, your friends will reduce. By friends, I mean the active circle of people you trust and constantly spend time with. That is not a bad thing. It only means that with time and age, and wisdom of course, you’re realising that some people are not worth your time, or energy – and that is okay! I want you to be very careful of the people you keep as friends, because they, to a very large extent, help shape the kind of person you will be – as you already know, “bad company corrupts good character”… and “the companion of fools will be destroyed!”
Kwaku, most importantly, today, your Papa and I want to tell you, not to let go of your first love. I’ve seen your passion for God, and how much you love to work for Him. I’ve seen the fruit of the Spirit so overtly manifesting in your life. I’ve seen your hunger for the word of God, and how much you yearn to let others know it! I pray that this never wanes. I pray that this yearning will only continue to increase! I hope nothing gets in the way of your love for God!
Remain confident of this – that you will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! All will go well with you, and you will prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers. You will remain in perfect peace as your mind remains stayed on God!
We love you so much, Kwaku! I pray you never ever question that!
Mummy and Papa!
PS – Maybe I was sort of kidding about the car 🤷🏾♀️ Do not tell your Papa I said anything!!
Also…. I remember you and Oti wanted to do the trip to Amsterdam😊☺️ – that’s my personal gift to you!
I love you!!

great piece Elise👌🏽
Very interesting. Could relate to parts of it.
😌☺️ Thanks Arnold! Glad you could…
As always, refreshing to read. More grease
💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽 Thanks Benedict!
Hmm…What wrong have ‘the men of the future’ done?
Enjoyed it;)
Beautiful as always Elise!
All the way from Kenya. 😉 🙂
This contains so much wisdom and useful advice for youth. I wish someone had written me this letter on my 21st birthday.
Aaawee!! I hope to develop the habit of writing such milestone letters for my kids one day💃🏽☺️
Join me😉😉
I think I will definitely love to do that. I love how you write in letters and pour your heart out into them. It’s made me write some letters since yesterday that I started devouring your blog. Great job Elise
Yaay!! 💃🏽💃🏽 I’m really glad! And thank you!