Mummy I had a dream!!
It was the most beautiful thing in the world!
We had a very big house, with two real rooms, and a hall!
The floors were very smooth and warm, because they were tiled, and the hall had a big radio and a TV as well.
The bathroom was inside the house, and there was water coming from the taps! (The taps were very shiny also). The toilet was a proper water closet that could be flushed.
Amma and I slept on an actual bed that had a pillow, in our own room! We never heard mosquitoes when we slept. I remember seeing how happy we were, playing with the pillow, and jumping on the bed. It was very very soft.

You and daddy had a bed too in your room, and you had a very big mirror, like the one we saw in the big store last week!

There was a table in the hall that we sat around to eat, and there was always food! It was so nice (everyone even had their own piece of chicken or fish at least three times in a week!)
The kitchen was at the back of the house, and you always sang while you cooked. There were 3 big pots, a very neat coal pot, and your very own blender! There were also nice bowls for eating. I think you liked the fact that you had a kitchen to yourself.
I remember we had shoes, and we didn’t go to school or church with just slippers, (or barefoot) anymore! Amma too had some of those ribbons for her hair, so we didn’t have to cut it.
She had a very lovely pink dress for church, and I had a very nice blue shirt and black pair of trousers.
Our life was really like heaven! 
You had more than two house dresses to wear, and daddy was always admiring you.
Especially when you wore the dress for church!
Your black ‘moke’ was very pretty, and when we were walking to church, daddy would hold your hand on one side, and mine on the other the whole one hour journey, while you held Amma’s !
You looked very elegant!
We had the luxury of a coin every month for offering at church!
In school, the kids no longer laughed at Amma, or said she looked like a boy, ‘cos she had very nice hair up to her neck. You always did pretty styles with ribbons for her.
I know everyone was jealous of us!
You made us bread and fresh juice for lunch at school every day! We never went hungry, for we had two whole meals every single day!
We also had some space outside the house for Amma and me to play. There weren’t all the plenty people around to say were making too much noise.
Whenever daddy came from the farm, he would ask us to recite our bible verses, while he ate, and whoever got it correct all 7 days in a row would get a toffee!!  
I’ve really prayed for the dream to come true. I hope it does.
Ooh, I forgot to add, we got to wake up at 6am with the catholic bells. A whole two hours of extra sleep! That’s because the shiny taps always had water running through them! (We didn’t need to go to the borehole for water)
If God makes this dream come true, I’ll be so happy that Amma and I will always give the toffees from daddy in the offering bowl!
Nadine, I found this letter I wrote to my mum about a month before my aunt moved us to the city…  I was ten, and Amma was seven.
It’s one of the things that strengthened my faith as a child.
It’s the letter I go back to every time I need to be reminded of the love of God.
Now that I’m older, it’s also taught me appreciation for every single thing. The house we live in, The bed we share, the cars we move in, the schools the kids go to; generally, the quality of our life!
God’s been good to me. He’s been good to us!
As we celebrate Valentine’s Day, I thought I’d share this with you….
It’s one of my gifts to you. An appreciation of His love….
I love you.

Comments (7)

    1. This is really sweet. We indeed have to always remember how far God has brought us. He is Good and His love endures forever!

    1. Dripping with sheer emotion sparked by truth. Up until now, I never really realized the taps are shinny. Oh Lord let me never be blind to the lusters of life. There’s indeed a lot to be grateful for…

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