Perspectives IV
Dear everyone… Happy Easter! (It’s not quite over yet, is it?) I really have no excuses this time – well I do, but I really shouldn’t have been gone this…
Dear everyone… Happy Easter! (It’s not quite over yet, is it?) I really have no excuses this time – well I do, but I really shouldn’t have been gone this…
Thanks for getting to the end of ‘Six Years Late’, guys! I know for many people this might not seem like the happy ending. But hey… 😀 Please leave a…
I closed from work late and tired. Good thing Kweinuaa was sleeping over at Wendy’s. I was a little too exhausted for her bedtime stories and long goodnights… and I…
Sometimes, I wish it was death that had taken you.
I actually wish that this ‘tribute’ was to mourn you.
But no, you’re here… Here, yet so far away.
Afia, Today is Father’s Day…. Mother’s Day was last month…. I had no idea that it would affect me so much! Maame spent the day out, and yoofi was in…
To:, kc_aining54@hotmail Cc:,, Subject: Homesick! I miss home!! I miss you people a lot! School is great…. Of course, only if you scratch the weather, the…
Pain…. Excruciating pain My legs were numb, and so was my backside The pain spiralled from my lower abdomen… My back hurt bad…. My head was spinning! “Aaaaarrgghhh!!!” The nurse…
8:20am… My most intense procedure of the day had just begun… I’d made Burr holes in the skull, cut out the bone flap, folded up the dura, and i was…