Dear everyone that reads my stuff, I know it’s been ages! And I’m sorry!

While I was away, I self-published and launched my first book “Perspectives.” You can check it out and buy a copy here – you won’t regret it! (And support the movement, lol!) 

Akaa & Alima misses you too! But we’re back now, and ready to move to the If you’re new here, please find the other parts here !



Character Line Up (Because you’re probably superhuman if you can remember all of these characters after so long! :P)

The Agency – An agency for high class escorts.

Akaa – Rich businessman, who frequents the Agency. Has a preference for Alima.

Dionne – Akaa’s wife. A beautiful petite Pharmacist.

Alima/Lina – Young girl, high class escort at the Agency.

Naana/Nina – Scarred young girl with a son, born out of rape. High class escort at the Agency.

Adzo/Anna – Young woman, with past sexual traumas. High class escort at the Agency.

Dr. Daniel Anto – Orthopaedic Surgeon, who frequents the Agency.

Celine – Anto’s wife. A constantly nagging Caterer.

Talaata – Divorced multimillionaire who frequents the Agency. Her preference is younger men.

Teju – Young man, high class escort at the Agency 

Ato – A young church leader, who uses the agency’s services.

Amber – Ato’s wife.

Paris was mostly beautiful. The chauffeur that was organised for Akaa and his family, was coincidentally Ghanaian. He showed them lovely places that they would otherwise not have seen – the places that were not in the brochures or on the websites. But he showed them the dirty parts too. 

Ghanafo, obiara dwen d3 aburokyir is all there is to life… Paris ha nkura, Chokor na Nima mpo, wonhu bi d3m da! Big big rats!”

He was definitely a talker. His Fante was also very comforting – For some reason, Fantes had a way of animating their speech, and making normal everyday conversation hilarious. It helped him. It helped take his mind off Alima. Even if it was just for a short while.

Because smack in the midst of each activity, Akaa missed Alima. Missed her touch, her presence, missed conversations with her. Missed the zest she had for the life she wanted to live! He missed her simplicity and pseudo-naivety.

He had to hold himself multiple times to prevent himself from sending her one of those server emails. And when he couldn’t do it anymore, he decided to send just one email. 

Dear Lina,

I don’t even know how to go about this note. I miss you – and no… I don’t only miss the sex!  I’m sorry about the way that I ended things. I am so sorry. I know it may have been the right thing to do, but I am so sorry. It was quite easy to tell that your “make love to me please” was just a way to cover up the way you felt. Do they teach you those things at the agency also? I wanted to know how you actually felt. I wish you’d said something else. I wish you’d asked me to not let go…

I don’t know if writing this is going to make me feel any better. And I don’t know how it’s going to make you feel either.

Paris is nice. It has some really dirty places though – some so bad, that you may never even see similar in Ghana! Our chauffeur keeps going on about how Ghana could easily be better than France (Yes, he happens to be from Ghana). 

The kids like it here. And Dionne, even more so. I don’t know if I like it much though. Because every corner we turn, I’m wondering, would Lina like it here? When we walked into our suite in the hotel, I wished it had been with you… the unbridled joy on your face would probably have done wonders for me! 

I don’t know how it is I fell in love with you. But this dangerous feeling of vulnerability is one I have never had to deal with. I’ve had so many flings – I won’t lie. But you became way more than a fling many months ago. I was too stubborn to admit it, and now I cannot even function sensibly without you. 

I don’t think I can follow through on my decision. I’m going to try. I’m really going to give it my best shot. But I would really like to keep in touch with you, Lina. I don’t even know what exactly it is I want, but I do know that it has you in there. 

I miss you, Lina. So so much!

Akaa. (007) 

Unfortunately for him, he had forgotten the new password he’d recently created. after trying three unsuccessful times, he had been locked out of the server, and could probably only get a new one if he called the agency. 

He hadn’t expected to have such a hard time over one girl. An escort. One that he’d barely known a year. One he didn’t even know well enough. 

Maybe God is saving me from myself…

Maybe this is His way of saying “Get yourself out of the gutter, Akaa!” 

Just maybe.  

It strengthened his resolve. He would actually get rid of the stupid crush he had on her! 

So he went all out on the holiday. During the day, they’d go with the kids to one amusement park or the other. Disney was of course their favourite. In the evenings, the nanny would play with the kids, and put them to bed. And he would take Dionne shopping wherever she wanted or take her somewhere fun. All of Paris was romantic. And Dionne wanted to do all the things everyone did there. He took her to the Eiffel tower and did all the corny kissing photos with her. He forced himself to do all of those cheesy overrated things he often condemned in his head. He recalled one of his colleagues saying to him at work: “If madam wan do am, you for do am. No be small wahala you want if you go and say no! If e no go break your account, make you just do!”

He really needed a way to get rid of Alima. Because half the time, he was still imagining walking the streets with her. He imagined what her black glowing skin would look like in the lovely sunsets. He wondered how she’d react to the sweet crepes with Nutella and strawberries that he’d suddenly come to love. He knew that just walking along the corners, buying crepes or cotton candy would have excited her completely!

Before he went to bed each night, he just really wondered, what was going on with her. For some selfish reason he couldn’t place, he hoped she was having at least half as hard a time as he was!

“We keep hammering it over and over again. Make the men feel wanted. Most of them are using our services only because their wives do not want them anymore. Let him feel as if you need him… show him respect, ask him questions. Nobody is saying be timid. Be confident without losing your supposed need of him!”

Alima had been in multiple of these classes. She knew some of the lectures by heart. They were mandatory monthly classes. She and the girls usually sat in the most bearable ones and pretended to listen.

Today though she didn’t even have the energy to pretend to listen. Akaa was enjoying life with his beautiful family in France, and she was nursing both heartbreak and his baby. Though she had no right to be, she was very jealous! 

She thought back to the last time he’d been at the agency… the most likely time that she’d gotten pregnant. It wasn’t unlike any of the other times he’d visited. 

They’d talked and talked and talked and made love over and over again. Akaa was a patient, skilled lover. And with time, he’d come to figure her body out so well, she didn’t need to say much. Her body responded to him so well! One time, in the throes of passion, he’d whispered into her ears “Lina we fit together like a brand-new jigsaw!” He knew what each sigh meant, what every whimper meant and what each moan connoted. He knew how to control her body with his fingers, and how to control it with his tongue. Heck he could even control it with a look! 

How on earth was she going to forget him? Tears welled up in her eyes from the memory. 

She had made a decision to leave the agency. Even if it was for a year, she was going to do that, maybe give the baby up for adoption, and then return to living her life. She didn’t have a very concrete plan yet. All she knew she needed to leave for a bit!

Talata was extremely tired on the flight. It was just about forty minutes, but she didn’t realise when they took off and when they landed. Teju held her hand throughout the flight. That’s all she could remember.

They were going to see her family. It had been a roller coaster of events leading to that. The final push was her father informing her uncles all about Teju, and insisting they came to visit. When she finally gave in, she had to keep reminding herself that this was just for her dad, and maybe also for her mental health. 

But Teju made her wonder. Could it actually work out? Was there some chance they could actually get married, enjoy marriage and remain married? It felt like some big experiment. She had to admit though that he was playing his part really well. The ever loving ever caring boyfriend, who knew when she needed her space to work, and when she wanted him around.

Her father was ecstatic. He’d invited majority of the uncles over for dinner, together with a number of the diocesan leaders. And while Talata usually dreaded these kinds of gatherings, this one felt different. This dinner seemed to whisper to her: You disappointed us once, but you seem to have redeemed yourself well. We approve!

Teju was the perfect guest. He knew when to say what, who to be curt with, and who to go on and on with! Talata found herself looking at from time to time him in awe. Were there some acting lessons at the agency? She made a mental note to ask later.

And when he snuck into her room later that night, to give her those ‘quick o’s’ that would ensure she slept well and long, she whispered into his ears even before he could start his ministrations – because she knew he would make her incoherent.

“I’ll marry you Teju. Yes, I’ll marry you!”

Alima was surprised to find out that she would actually be getting quite a large amount of money if she left the agency. Apparently, Akaa had been leaving her some amazing ‘tips.’

You at least owe it to him to say you’re leaving.

And he deserves to know about the baby. 

She didn’t want him to have to deal with issues that could destroy his reputation. He had been good to her. More than good, pretty great! And the fact that the baby in her belly was probably going to cause a rift between them saddened her. He would definitely want her to get rid of it – she knew it. So then maybe she’d just leave and never see him again. 

“You had our most generous customer at the agency, you know? Apart from the huge sums of money he leaves as tips for you, he also donates to the agency monthly – outside of the membership fee. If you do decide to leave, we will have to inform him.”

She felt her baby kick for the first time right there. 

“It’s not that I’m running away from him. We had an agreement together on our last trip. We realised we might need a break from each other. I don’t think it would be necessary to inform him.”

“If that was indeed your resolution together, here’s what we will do. We will give you one of the agency’s small apartments in the city. For the next one year, while you figure things out, we’ll need you to be there. You’ll sign to that effect. That way, if he does decide to find you, he can. Either way, I’m afraid you will have to wait till we have notified him and gotten a response from him before you leave!”

It was some sort of miracle, that all Akaa’s calls went to voicemail. For a whole week, they could not get ahold of him. Even Alima was worried for a bit. Until on of the managers showed that he was off the grid because he was enjoying time abroad with his family.

It cut Alima. 

Ato was counselling his fourth couple for the week. 

In all honesty, he was tired. Why were people in a rush to get married anyway? Didn’t they see the mini prison they were willingly going to put themselves into? He knew he was a polygamous human. But his job did not afford him the luxury of admitting or airing such views. 

So he had no choice. He counselled them by the book! It was by far the part of being a church leader he hated the most. He knew Amber enjoyed it though, enjoyed telling each couple about their lovely marriage, dealing with the ups and downs, and still staying down for each other. Sometimes he really just left the talking to her. Because he didn’t share even half of the sentiments and views she had. But it was his job. He had no choice!

Every time they were assigned a new couple, he asked himself over and over again: 

Why on earth am I here dishing out advice that I know I could never in a million years take myself?

“Sir, she left the agency a few months ago. Probably a few weeks after your trip with her. We called you multiple times before we allowed her to leave, but you were unable to pick it. The last thing we did was send an email to your secure mail. We noticed you’ve been away with family.”

“She did leave you a note though. We asked her to put her location and all that in there. In case she didn’t, we have the location, We can get you a phone number too.”

Dear Akaa,

Thank you for being an eye opener for me. I don’t think I would have had the courage to leave the agency this early if I’d had any other client. But who knows?

It’s unfortunate that the heart loves who it loves, because I honestly wish I could get rid of this… this tightness in my chest whenever I think of where you could be, and what you could be doing… and the fact that I cannot have you. My tall, dark and handsome man.

But life has to go on. 

Thank you for treating me with respect – not treating me like just the call girl that I really was. I know it was an agency policy, but not many of the girls were ever this lucky.

You know what? I’ve imagined life with you… so often. I imagine coming home from a trip, to you getting me from the airport with flowers, or waking up late on a lazy Sunday morning, to find you and our kids, cooking me breakfast. I’ve imagined travelling the world with you. I’ve imagined hiking mountains with you. I’ve imagined life altering occurrences with you. What I never did imagine, was such an abrupt goodbye. In hindsight, that should have been my only imagination. I should have known that this could not be sustained. That your perfect family was out there waiting for you. 

It was so difficult hearing you say goodbye. 

But I understand you. At least I’m trying very hard to.

It would make things so much easier if I had stuck to the script, and just kept you in the right bubble – a client. I’m paying the price for allowing myself to fall.

I’m leaving the agency, Akaa. I know you said you’re not coming back, and that’s okay… I’m learning to come to terms with it. I wonder if you’ll actually come looking for me. My heart wishes you would. My head knows you will not. So I won’t bother leaving an address. Frankly I’m not even sure where exactly I’m going to. I just know that this is where my life actually starts. I found out recently about the hefty amounts of money you were leaving as tips for me. I’m grateful! It’s how I plan to go start my life out there. If I ever do meet you again, I hope we can look at each other and at least say hello.

If we ever do meet, I plan to be completely over you. One day, I will wake up and not think about you, or miss you.

Until then,

I love you.


To be Continued.

Comments (18)

  1. She is back!!!
    And right from the get go,Elise holds you captive and doesnt let go.I had to pause a movie to finish reading this wonderful.
    Glad you are back Ms.Tirza,but please do not keep us waiting extra long the next time.
    Till next time,it is your favorite hypeman,

  2. “One day…Until then, I love you.” Lovelyyyyyyy.. Thank you Elise ❣️. Please when is the next episode???😀

  3. I couldn’t believe I had finished reading so soon. Make it a bit longer for us especially after a long break. Lol. I Love looooooveee every bit of your episodes; Patiently waiting for the next.

    1. Hahaha eish Aunty! This was one of the long ones ooh!
      But I’ll be sure to make the next one longer for you.
      Thanks so much, Really glad you love it!!

  4. You write so well. I do not like reading long pieces but you gripped me all the way one word at a time and it was all worth it.

    I loved the story, I am busy looking up the old posts too.

  5. Wow! Wow! Wow!
    Elise, here I am hooked and it is finished! Please add some more. We beg.
    The story had me totally captivated. You write beautifully, Elise. Really beautifully.

  6. 😭😭😭😭 what did I get myself into (in a good way) am busy looking for chapter 10 been binging on here since last night. Your writing is amazing. The suspense is killing me I want part x to xx like yesterday😭😭😭😭 okay enough ranting. Let me go to the next story. You are amazing again.

  7. I thought I was binge-reading and was going to find out how the story would end until I got here. Kindly bring the next part (X) because I am waiting. haha. Meanwhile, I am curious to know the story in the book you’ve published (Perspectives). Saving towards that 🙂

  8. I don’t know how you do it but you always leave me craving for more. Nice writing!! I’m officially calling myself your biggest fan. Keep up the good work!!. xo

  9. Elise!!!!!!!
    Finish this story already and get it in a book!!!😫😫😫😫…. I don’t want to have to wait……
    It’s such a beautiful piece….beautiful story…. I feel proud knowing such a masterpiece is Ghanaian work…. Keep up the good work!!

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