For Not Pitying Me…
This is a letter from a vibrant lawyer, who lost a limb, and how it may have affected her! I really hope you enjoy it, and let me know what you think 😀
Cheers to an amazing weekend!
This is a letter from a vibrant lawyer, who lost a limb, and how it may have affected her! I really hope you enjoy it, and let me know what you think 😀
Cheers to an amazing weekend!
Thanks for getting to the end of ‘Six Years Late’, guys! I know for many people this might not seem like the happy ending. But hey… 😀 Please leave a…
Disclaimer: This letter, as is the case with most of my letters, is highly fictitious. It’s as usual, a work of my crazy and twisted imagination… (LOL) A letter from…
So I entered the land… Kumasi! A mere four hours away from home…. I’d heard so much about it, yet I had no idea what to think about it I…
You’ve been one hell of a friend you know…. In a few hours, you’ll be gone, and there’ll be nothing left but memories of the time we had together… I…
Dear heart…. You know we’re in this together… Before, we were the best of friends… Lately, it’s as if we’re out of touch…. I know I’ve put you through a…
I want to turn 11 this year…. Never mind that I’m actually supposed to be turning 21… I’m praying hard that somehow, I’ll turn 11 instead Everyone thinks it’s stupid…
I rushed towards the building…. Couldn’t feel my legs… Couldn’t feel my arms… I couldn’t feel anything! Why would he do something like that? Why? I almost choked in my…
I miss you Jessica …You didn’t see much of the world…Barely two years, and you were gone.You were like a breeze of fresh air to me. The most beautiful thing…